In order to print the necessary parts, the design must be converted from Fusion 360 to STL files, and then from STL files to gcode. Firstly, a separate Fusion 360 file named "Printing Platform" that contains the same necessary parts from the original file "#29 Strandbeest" in order to speed up the process of creating the gcode. By organizing the necessary parts into separate 4 main components, a collective STL file that contains the design of multiple bodies grouped together can be created, which can then be converted into gcode by using Ultimaker Cura.
The design for the 4 components, rearranged into convenient orientation from the original design. All of these make up for two mirroring linkages.

Creating gcode for the first component

Creating gcode for the second component

Creating gcode for the third component

Creating gcode for the fourth component
