*** The procedure and figures are not representative of the entire methodology, since I was not able to capture every step while making. ***
Grabber – The grabber is linked to the secondary arm of the body. Its purpose, evident from its name, is to grab objects.

Fig. 4

Fig. 5
1. Cut out two identical cardboard sheets with dimensions in figure 4. One sheet after being cut is shown in figure 5. These sheets form the two functioning blocks of the grabber.
Fig. 6
2. Attach a lollipop stick on the free end of each cardboard block with a square outer layer in order to provide flexible movement. figure 6 shows how flexible rotational movement of the cardboard is.

Fig. 7
3. After lollipop sticks are attached to both sides, result should come out like figure 7.
Fig. 8
4. Attach the lollipop stick-added functioning block to a triangle-shaped cardboard (that functions as the base of the grabber). Again, use a square outer layer to provide rotational movement of the functioning block. When both functioning blocks are attached to the triangular base and the lollipop sticks are pushed forward, the movement looks like figure 8.